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"Learning to love, live and celebrate as we grow in the knowledge and love of Christ"

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At St Thomas More, we endeavour to meet the needs of the individual children, teachers and all those who are involved in our school community. 

All policies reflect our commitment to inclusion of all groups of children encompassing those who are able, gifted and talented, to those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Many children will be identified as having special educational needs at some point during their time in school. These needs may be related to health, emotions, behaviour or learning.

We aim to identify and address these needs through our school’s inclusive practice.

We want to encourage and develop abilities and talents so that each child leaves St Thomas More with a positive self-image and sense of personal achievement, allowing for their spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth.

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Caroline Manning. She can be contacted via the school office:

Tel: 01442 385060                                                Email:

The SEND Governor is Mrs Laura Coward.

The SENDCo ensures that all staff follow the SEND Code of Practice (2015), to support the needs of every pupil.

This support may be provided in a variety of ways, such as through High Quality Teaching, carefully adapted work, small group work, 1:1 support or using specialist services from outside the school.

By carefully addressing individual needs, we aim to ensure that all children will be given every opportunity to achieve their true potential.

We work in partnership with outside agencies such as:

Dacorum Education Support Centre (DESC)

Hertfordshire Local Authority

School Family Workers

Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)

Occupational Therapists (OT)

Physiotherapists (PT)

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Outreach support (e.g Woodfield School)

Health and Social Services

Educational Psychologists (EP)

ADD-vance: (The ADHD and Autism Trust)

SPACE: (for neuro diversity) 

Hertfordshire Dyslexia Association 


More details about SEND support can be found in the documents below and at          The Hertfordshire Local Offer