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"Learning to love, live and celebrate as we grow in the knowledge and love of Christ"

Medical Information

inhalerIf your child has been prescribed antibiotics which require a dose during the school day, you must complete a form that is available via the school office to grant authorisation for a member of staff to administer the medication.

All children needing medication which they can administer themselves, e.g. asthma inhalers, also require authorisation.

School must be informed if your child has any allergies. An Epipen, epipenwhere prescribed, should be provided for emergency use and must be clearly marked with the child's name.

Please complete a Pupil Health Care Plan Form available from the school office or by clicking the link below.

It is school policy that children who have vomited should remain at home for 48 hours after being sick.

School holds an emergency inhaler. Please see the relevant documents and link below for further guidance.