Footballathon 2024
St Thomas More Footballathon Tournament 2024
Friday 28 June 2024; 4pm - 6.15pm (arrival and registration from 3.30pm - 3.50pm for a prompt 4pm start)
Sign up quickly, spaces fill up fast!
We are once again running our five-a-side Footballathon tournament for teams of children from years 1 to 6.
The competition will take place on the football pitches at St Thomas More and Greenway schools, as part of the annual St Thomas More School Summer Fair.
Price per individual entry: £4.00
Payment for entire team entry should be made by bank transfer using the following bank details: St Thomas More School Association - Sort Code: 30-94-08 - Account Number: 00684112 Please put FOOTBALL followed by the team name as a reference
Deadline for entries: Friday 7 June 2024
Keep energy levels high and save money by pre-booking a food and drink ticket for your hard-working tournament player!
Price per pre-paid food and drink ticket: £4.50
Buy your pre-paid food and drink ticket now
The footballathon tournament is part of the annual St Thomas More School Association Summer Fair. BBQ, bar, ice creams, raffle, bouncy castle and stalls will be available for spectators and players to enjoy throughout the tournament.
Please contact Alex at if you have any questions.
How it works
- This is a 5-a-side competition and teams are allowed a maximum of seven players in their squad, which includes two rolling subs.
- All players should enter as a team with a nominated adult manager. Regretfully, we are not able to organise individual players into teams and individual entry is not possible.
- The exact format of the afternoon will depend on the number of teams entered. We anticipate having a tournament league for each year group, depending on how many entries we receive for each.
- We will have a separate league (or leagues) for KS2 girls-only teams if enough teams enter for this category.
- Girls can also play in mixed teams in any of the other leagues.
- If teams are made up of players from more than one school year, they will be placed in a league of teams from the school year of the oldest players in the team.
- Games will last 5 minutes each (apart from the final of each league, which will be 10 minutes).
- There will be a trophy for the winning team from each league.
- Arrival and registration will be from 3.30pm - 3.50pm for a prompt 4pm start. The tournament will finish by 6.15pm.
- ·All teams must have a named responsible adult on the school grounds for the duration of the tournament.
<<Please see the link to complete the tournament rules and guidance attached below>>
If you have any questions, please contact Alex Moshakis at
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you on 28 June 2024!